Recomandare workshop -

Recomandare workshop – “Descopera secretele carierei de succes”

In cadrul evenimentului national TEAM CAREER, va invit sa descoperiti secretele carierei de succes. Workshopul va incepe la ora 14.30 si va dura 1 ora si 20 de minute. Pentru inscrieri : Se va desfășura la sediul Bibliotecii Naționale a României (din B

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Managementul riscului - workshop

Managementul riscului – workshop

The Cubes Exercise with ALAIN CARDON, MCC A two-day practical workshop for entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, coaches, consultants, trainers and HR specialists, (and also for normal people). Come to experiment the special perspective a systemic coaching approach can add to your comp

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Workshop “DELEGATIVE PROCESSES FOR SYSTEMIC TEAM AND ORGANIZATIONAL COACHING” With ALAIN CARDON MCC Bucharest, November 17-18, 2011, Hotel JW Marriott Two intensive days to acquire specific skills to better manage and coach executive teams as performance-focused collaborative and l

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