Recomand workshop-ul :


22 – 23 March, 2012

A two-day foundational workshop for leaders, managers, coaches, consultants, trainers, and HR specialists. Two intense days of theory and practice on individual, team and organizational diagnostics, to acquire the special perspective a systemic coaching approach can add to your comprehension of systems, of how they work, of how they grow to become winners, of how they evolve in time and of how they reconfigure.

Outcomes: The participants will acquire:

  • A clear understanding of their own profile: their personal potential and challenges as team members, executives, managers, coaches or consultants.  Knowing oneself is of the u2tmost importance when facing others or a team, participating in its growth and accompanying its developmental process.
  • A revisited understanding of teams as performance achievers and project management systems and the central part they play in organizations.  A clear understanding of team phases of development, and how to accompany each phase.
  • A deeper knowledge of four key team and organizational cultures: how to adapt one’s coaching and management strategies to help each one of them benefit from its full specific potential.
  • A systemic tool to accompany teams as they diagnose their own profiles and define their own potentials. This tool can be central in a team coaching process.  The tool is free of royalties and can be used by professional immediately following the workshop.
  • Connections with other existing management models, such as Blake and Mouton, Hersey and Blanchard, Process Communication (Taïbi Kahler), time management models, motivational models, ethnological models, etc.
  • An introduction to systemic theory as it applies to leadership, project management, organization development, team coaching and organizational coaching.

Trainer: Alain Cardon, master certified coach – International Coach Federation

Certification: The International Coach Federation validated training (ACSTH – approved coach specific training hours).

Participation fee : 660 €/2days of training + 24% VAT.

To register, mail to Gabriela Mazilu :; 0733 988 678

Succes !


| Categoria: Evenimente